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Home Forum APK Killifilia Convenções Internacionais Convenção AIK 2018- Programa

  • Autor
  • #219080
    Luís Oliveira
    Luis Oliveira
    • ★★★★

    26° Convention of AIK
    Italian Killifish Association
    9th and 10th June 2018
    Via Chierici 2 – 42020 Borzano di Albinea (RE) Italy
    Saturday 9th June
    09.00 Fish reception
    11.00 End of Fish reception
    11.00-12.00 Fish Judging
    12.30 Open exhibition room
    15.30-17.30 “Collection trips in south America looking for new killifish species” by Alberto Reis
    18.00 Closing exposition room
    20.30 Dinner and festivities with awarding
    Sunday 10th June
    09.00 Open exhibition room
    10.30-11.15 “Keeping and breeding annual and non annual south American killifish species” by Alberto Reis
    12.00 Closing exhibition room
    13.30-15.00 Fish auction
    15.00-16.00 Equipment lottery
    16.30 See you next year!!!
    Note: The fish hall is open Saturday 12.30-18.00 and Sunday 9.00-12.00
    Rules of AIK show and killi auction 2018
    All killikeepers are invited to contribute with fishes to make a great show.
    This year the fishes are classed in 7 groups:
    1) European, Middle Eastern and North American species
    2) South American seasonal and non seasonal species
    3) African seasonal
    4) Fundolopanchax and “Roloffia”
    5) Aphyosemion
    6) Epiplatys, Aplocheilus, Pachypanchax, Lamp-eye
    7) Breeding groups

    For each group there will be prizes for 1st, 2nd and 3rd.
    The prize for a “Best in show” is planned.
    The judges are nominated by the AIK organization.
    All fishes from show will be offered at the auction.

    Fish registration
    Last limit to register the fishes is the 7th June
    at this email address: valdesalici.stefano@gmail.com

    The fishes must be shipped to:
    Stefano Valdesalici
    Via Togliatti 46
    42020 Montecavolo (RE)

    And have to arrive absolutely before Friday 8nd June, if later they’ll be excluded from show.

    You can take your fishes with you to the convention before 11:00 AM on Saturday.
    If not previously registered the fishes are accepted only if there is place.
    All fishes arriving too late are maybe accepted but not judged.
    For any question, you can contact Stefano Valdesalici valdesalici.stefano@gmail.com

    Bidding starts at 3,00 Euro ad increase by 1,00 Euro until 20,00 Euro then increase by 5,00 Euro. For
    breeding groups the start is 10,00 Euro.

    Luís Oliveira
    Luis Oliveira
    • ★★★★

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